Happy Christmas! From the Conservative Christian Fellowship

As we draw to the close of a busy year in politics with so many major changes taking place in our country, the Christmas season gives an opportunity to pause and to reflect on the joy of Jesus Christ. This period of reflection presents itself as particularly timely as the future often appears troubled and uncertain, especially in the political sphere.

2018 has been a pivotal year in the history of our Nation. Now more than ever, we must come together, with a shared vision of hope for the future.

When Joseph and Mary are told they would bear a Son, it was proclaimed “His name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God with us." At the first Christmas, God came down into this troubled world to identify with us, live among us and bring us joy and peace. At Christmas, we remember that He is God with us.

It is with the conviction that every individual person matters to God that we commend the work of those who care for others, who serve us selflessly and who keep us safe and provide for our security. We are thankful for the vast number of people who give of their time and abilities to make our society a better place for us all.

As the CCF looks back on our work this year in Parliament, at Party Conference and across the Nation, we were particularly inspired by our charity partners and their Faith-filled work with those in need.

As we think of our hard-working candidates, who we stood and campaigned alongside at the Local Elections, and as we support more CCF members than ever before as they apply to be on the Candidates List, we are encouraged as the Conservative Christian Fellowship Family that we are helping mentor the next generation of elected public servants.

We pray for rest, refreshment and a restored spirit this Christmas season as we look forward to tackling the fresh challenges of 2019.

Let me wish you a happy, restful and peaceful Christmas.

Gareth Wallace

Executive Director

Conservative Christian Fellowship